
enum LegacyFeature : Enum<LegacyFeature> , Flag<UInt>

List of optional features in a quassel connection.

Replaced by QuasselFeature negotiation if both sides of the connection are new enough


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ExtendedFeatures(, QuasselFeature.ExtendedFeatures)

Support for feature negotiation via a list of strings

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RemoteDisconnect(, QuasselFeature.RemoteDisconnect)

Support for remotely disconnecting other clients of the same user via disconnectFromCore

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SenderPrefixes(, QuasselFeature.SenderPrefixes)

Support for showing sender prefix modes in backlog messages

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CoreSideHighlights(, QuasselFeature.CoreSideHighlights)

Support for handling and configuring highlights via the core

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BufferActivitySync(, QuasselFeature.BufferActivitySync)

Support for syncing the unread state of buffers

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Authenticators(, QuasselFeature.Authenticators)

Support for customizable authentication backends

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AwayFormatTimestamp(, QuasselFeature.AwayFormatTimestamp)

Support for time formatting in away messages using QDateTime format surrounded by %%h:m:s ap%%

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DccFileTransfer(, QuasselFeature.DccFileTransfer)

Experimental support for (X)DCC transfers

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CustomRateLimits(, QuasselFeature.CustomRateLimits)

Support for custom rate limits for connections to IRC servers

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VerifyServerSSL(, QuasselFeature.VerifyServerSSL)

Support for validating the TLS connection to IRC servers

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CapNegotiation(, QuasselFeature.CapNegotiation)

Support for IRCv3 capabilities and the IRCv3 account tag

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PasswordChange(, QuasselFeature.PasswordChange)

Support for changing the password through the client

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HideInactiveNetworks(, QuasselFeature.HideInactiveNetworks)

Support for hiding inactive/disconnected networks in a chat list

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SaslExternal(, QuasselFeature.SaslExternal)

Support for certificate based SASL EXTERNAL authentication

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SaslAuthentication(, QuasselFeature.SaslAuthentication)

Support for configurable SASL authentication to replace NickServ

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SynchronizedMarkerLine(, QuasselFeature.SynchronizedMarkerLine)

Support for a synced marker line/last read position


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object Companion : Flags<UInt, LegacyFeature>


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val feature: QuasselFeature

Modern feature corresponding to this legacy feature

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val name: String
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val ordinal: Int
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open override val value: UInt