
data class BufferViewConfigState(bufferViewId: Int, bufferViewName: String, networkId: NetworkId, addNewBuffersAutomatically: Boolean, sortAlphabetically: Boolean, hideInactiveBuffers: Boolean, hideInactiveNetworks: Boolean, disableDecoration: Boolean, allowedBufferTypes: BufferTypes, minimumActivity: BufferActivity?, showSearch: Boolean, buffers: List<BufferId>, removedBuffers: Set<BufferId>, hiddenBuffers: Set<BufferId>)


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fun identifier(): String


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val addNewBuffersAutomatically: Boolean = true
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val allowedBufferTypes: BufferTypes
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val buffers: List<BufferId>
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val bufferViewId: Int
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val bufferViewName: String
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val disableDecoration: Boolean = false
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val hiddenBuffers: Set<BufferId>
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val hideInactiveBuffers: Boolean = false
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val hideInactiveNetworks: Boolean = false
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val minimumActivity: BufferActivity? = null
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val networkId: NetworkId
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val removedBuffers: Set<BufferId>
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val showSearch: Boolean = false
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val sortAlphabetically: Boolean = true