Package de.justjanne.libquassel.protocol.models.ids


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value class BufferId(id: BufferIdType) : SignedId<BufferIdType>

A SignedId for a chat/buuffer

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value class IdentityId(id: IdentityIdType) : SignedId<IdentityIdType>

A SignedId for an identity object

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value class MsgId(id: MsgIdType) : SignedId<MsgIdType>

A SignedId for an individual message Warning: this is the only id which can be backed by a 64-bit value

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value class NetworkId(id: NetworkIdType) : SignedId<NetworkIdType>

A SignedId for an irc network

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interface SignedId<T : Number, Comparable<T>> : Serializable, Comparable<SignedId<T>>

Base type for a signed id

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typealias SignedId64Type = Long

Native representation of a SignedId64

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typealias SignedIdType = Int

Native representation of a SignedId


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@JvmName(name = "isValidId")
inline fun SignedId<SignedIdType>.isValid(): Boolean
@JvmName(name = "isValidId64")
inline fun SignedId<SignedId64Type>.isValid(): Boolean

Validity check for a signed id