data class NetworkState(networkId: NetworkId, identity: IdentityId, myNick: String?, latency: Int, networkName: String, currentServer: String, connected: Boolean, connectionState: ConnectionState, ircUsers: Map<String, IrcUser>, ircChannels: Map<String, IrcChannel>, supports: Map<String, String?>, caps: Map<String, String?>, capsEnabled: Set<String>, skipCaps: Set<String>, serverList: List<NetworkServer>, useRandomServer: Boolean, perform: List<String>, useAutoIdentify: Boolean, autoIdentifyService: String, autoIdentifyPassword: String, useSasl: Boolean, saslAccount: String, saslPassword: String, useAutoReconnect: Boolean, autoReconnectInterval: UInt, autoReconnectRetries: UShort, unlimitedReconnectRetries: Boolean, rejoinChannels: Boolean, useCustomMessageRate: Boolean, messageRateBurstSize: UInt, messageRateDelay: UInt, unlimitedMessageRate: Boolean, codecForServer: String, codecForEncoding: String, codecForDecoding: String)
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