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Framing Layer

This describes the lowest layer of the protocol, on which the Message Layer rests.

This layer is named the "framing" layer, because its only purpose is to frame messages of higher layers and negotiate basic features for this use case.

State Machine

The framing layer has two possible states: HANDSHAKE and CONNECTED. It starts off in HANDSHAKE state.

Handshake State

First, the client sends 0x42b33f00 with certain flags set depending on available features:

Flag Meaning
0x01 TLS
0x02 Compression

Afterwards, the client sends a list of all protocols it supports:

Version Protocol
0x00000001 Old legacy protocol, which won’t be described here
0x00000002 Datastream protocol, as described in this document

To mark the end of the list, the client sets the flag 0x80000000 on the last protocol in the list.

The server responds with the following data:

Type Field Description
UChar flags As described above
Short extra Extra data, depends on the protocol, so far ignored
Char version Protocol Version

Afterwards, the server expects the client to first enable TLS (if supported) and afterwards compression (if supported).

Compression is handled as Deflate applied to the socket.

This negotiation ends with the protocol advancing into the CONNECTED state.

Connected State


The client reads an uint32_t of the size of the following message frame in bytes, followed by that message frame.


The client sends an uint32_t of the size of the message frame in bytes, followed by that message frame. Afterwards, if compression is enabled, the compressor is flushed.

Last update: 2022-02-23