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Sync messages are (de-)serialized to and from QVariantLists. They are encoded as the request type, followed by the parameters of that type.

For en/decoding the specified fields see Serialization.

Request Type Enum

Value Name Direction
0x00000001 SyncMessage bidirectional
0x00000002 RpcCall bidirectional
0x00000003 InitRequest C->S
0x00000004 InitData S->C
0x00000005 HeartBeat bidirectional
0x00000006 HeartBeatReply bidirectional


Parameter Type Description
ClassName QByteArray Encoded as UTF-8
ObjectName QByteArray Encoded as UTF-8
SlotName QByteArray Encoded as UTF-8
Params QVariantList Not an actual parameter, just the remaining elements of the list (may be empty)


Parameter Type Description
SlotName QByteArray Encoded as UTF-8
Params QVariantList Not an actual parameter, just the remaining elements of the list (may be empty)


Parameter Type Description
ClassName QByteArray Encoded as UTF-8
ObjectName QByteArray Encoded as UTF-8


Parameter Type Description
ClassName QByteArray Encoded as UTF-8
ObjectName QByteArray Encoded as UTF-8
InitData QVariantMap See below

The InitData field is not an actual parameter, just the remaining elements of the list (maybe empty), grouped into pairs of 2, interpreted as key and value respectively.

These are according to the SignalProxy Objects specification.


Parameter Name
Timestamp QDateTime

In case this is received, the other side expects a corresponding HeartBeatReply with the same timestamp.


Parameter Name
Timestamp QDateTime

Last update: 2022-02-23