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All serialization is done in network format big-endian.

Serialization of basic types is trivial and will not be discussed here.

Primitive types are serialized by serializing each of their fields sequentially.

Type Aliases

Certain types have a representation which is identical to a pre-existing type in this document. For this reason, we do not define them twice, but list the type whose network representation they borrow here:

Type name Network representation
BufferId Int
IdentityId Int
NetworkId Int
MsgId Int
PeerPtr Long
IrcUser QVariantMap
IrcChannel QVariantMap
Identity QVariantMap
NetworkInfo QVariantMap
Network::Server QVariantMap

MsgId’s serialization changes depending on which features are available on both client and server. Specifically, if LongMessageId is available, it is serialized as long, and its values can go above INT_MAX.


Strings are serialized as a signed int of the length in bytes plus their content in UTF-16BE. If the length is -1, the String is to be considered equivalent to NULL.


StringLists are serialized as an Int of the amount of elements, and a string for each element.


First, an Int for the type, then an UChar for an unknown value, then, if the type is a usertype, the typename as bytearray (C-string with null byte at the end), and then the value in its own format.


VariantLists are serialized as an Int of the length, and a Variant for each element.


VariantMaps are serialized as an Int of the amount of keys, and then for each key a QString for the key and a Variant for each element.


Enum Value Additional Info
Void 0x00000000
Bool 0x00000001
Int 0x00000002 int32_t
UInt 0x00000003 uint32_t
QChar 0x00000007
QVariantMap 0x00000008
QVariantList 0x00000009
QString 0x0000000a
QStringList 0x0000000b
QByteArray 0x0000000c
QTime 0x0000000f
QDateTime 0x00000010
UserType 0x0000007f
Long 0x00000081 int64_t
Short 0x00000082 int16_t
Char 0x00000083 int8_t
ULong 0x00000084 uint64_t
UShort 0x00000085 uint16_t
UChar 0x00000086 uint8_t
QVariant 0x00000090


Type Field Description
Int julianDay Day in Julian calendar, unknown if signed or unsigned
Int millisOfDay Milliseconds since start of day
UChar zone Timezone of DateTime, 0x00 is local, 0x01 is UTC


Type Field Description
Int millisOfDay Milliseconds since start of day


Type Field Description
Int id BufferId, a unique, sequential id for the buffer
Int networkId NetworkId of the network the buffer belongs to
Short type See below
QByteArray name (UTF-8) BufferName as displayed to the user


Enum Value
Status 0x01
Channel 0x02
Query 0x04
Group 0x08


Type Field Description
MsgId messageId The unique, sequential id for the message
Int timestamp The timestamp of the message in UNIX time (32-bit, seconds)
Long CONDITIONAL: Different Type (Long) if LongTime feature is enabled
Int type See below
UChar flags See below
BufferInfo buffer The buffer the message belongs to, usually everything but BufferId is set to NULL
QByteArray sender (UTF-8) The sender as nick!ident@host
QByteArray senderPrefixes (UTF-8) The prefix modes of the sender
CONDITIONAL: Only serialized if SenderPrefixes feature is enabled
QByteArray realName (UTF-8) The realName of the sender
CONDITIONAL: Only serialized if RichMessages feature is enabled
QByteArray avatarUrl (UTF-8) The avatarUrl of the sender, if available
CONDITIONAL: Only serialized if RichMessages feature is enabled
QByteArray content (UTF-8) The message content, already stripped from CTCP formatting, but containing mIRC format codes

This type's serialization format depends heavily on the available features — if both client and server support a certain feature, additional fields are added or changed.

Field Feature Effect
timestamp LongTime Type is Long instead of Int, content is milliseconds instead of seconds
senderPrefixes SenderPrefixes Field is serialized only with feature present
realName RichMessages Field is serialized only with feature present
avatarUrl RichMessages Field is serialized only with feature present


Enum Value
Plain 0x00000001
Notice 0x00000002
Action 0x00000004
Nick 0x00000008
Mode 0x00000010
Join 0x00000020
Part 0x00000040
Quit 0x00000080
Kick 0x00000100
Kill 0x00000200
Server 0x00000400
Info 0x00000800
Error 0x00001000
DayChange 0x00002000
Topic 0x00004000
NetsplitJoin 0x00008000
NetsplitQuit 0x00010000
Invite 0x00020000


Type Value
Self 0x00000001
Highlight 0x00000002
Redirected 0x00000004
ServerMsg 0x00000008
Backlog 0x00000080

Last update: 2022-02-23